Friday - 3/3/17

For everyone participating in our Strongtown addition to all the issues with the Games site this week we had a small issue with our Week 1 Challenge. Originally the deadline to join the team was the announcement of workout 17.2. I completely missed the ball on realizing that the deadline for joining a Team was the same as the deadline for any individual registration...which was Wednesday at 8:00pm. 

In terms of being fair we are going to offer an honor system deadline extension on this one. For our early birds who joined the team early and made the will get 2 points. For anyone else who tried to join the team today and wasn't able to...we are going be basing this off the honor system. You can get 1 point, but you must let either myself...or your team captain know so you can be awarded the point. 

Strontown Open Week 2 Challenge

  • Staying in the theme of our monthly challenge the Week 2 Challenge is going to be all about the handstand. If you are unable or uncomfortable doing a handstand...don't worry, either a wall walk, plank, or ring support is also acceptable.
    • To complete the challenge you must take a photo of yourself completing a handstand (or whatever movement you're doing) and tag CrossFit Strongtown in the photo (Facebook: CrossFit Strongtown / Instagram: @CFStrongtown) with #StrongtownOpen....the photo can be taken anywhere. The most creative photo will win additional bonus points
  • Available Points = 4 Points Per Person
  • Most Creative Photo = 8 Points 


Turkish Get-up

  • 2-2-2-2-2
  • 2 = Each Arm

12 Minute AMRAP

  • 6 Box Jumps (30/24")
  • 9 Toes to Bar
  • 12 Power Snatch (75/55 lbs)
Jason taking 55 lbs for a ride on the pull-up bar.

Jason taking 55 lbs for a ride on the pull-up bar.

Lindsey and the 9:30 class working through their 40 overhead lunges.

Lindsey and the 9:30 class working through their 40 overhead lunges.

The 4pm class starting their chipper.

The 4pm class starting their chipper.

