Monday - 3/6/17


Time Trials

  • 500m Row
  • 100 Sit-ups (5 Minute Cap)
  • 75 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
  • 50 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
  • 25 Burpees
    • Each Time Trial Scored Individually
Toon and Liam taking on 17.2 Thursday night.

Toon and Liam taking on 17.2 Thursday night.

Rob getting his toes to the bar.

Rob getting his toes to the bar.

Jen looking strong with the 35# dumbbells. 

Jen looking strong with the 35# dumbbells. 

Courtney working through her 16 toes to bar.

Courtney working through her 16 toes to bar.

Jordan finishing up her final bar muscle-ups.

Jordan finishing up her final bar muscle-ups.

Timmy and Kevin chipping through their bar muscle-ups.

Timmy and Kevin chipping through their bar muscle-ups.

Saturday's final heat starting their 50' of dumbbell front rack lunges.

Saturday's final heat starting their 50' of dumbbell front rack lunges.

Sunday's 17.2 crowd cheering on the first heat.

Sunday's 17.2 crowd cheering on the first heat.

Matt fighting through his last few steps.

Matt fighting through his last few steps.

Tanner showing a solid lockout over the bar.

Tanner showing a solid lockout over the bar.



