Monday - 10/17/16

The chalk has settled, the gym is put back together and this year's Battle for the Bell is officially in the books! Thank you to the 128 Athletes for being amazing & gracious competitors, all of our Judges and volunteers for not only keeping the competition running like clockwork but also helping breakdown and setup the gym the night before / morning of and piece it all back together after. Thank you the the crowd for being supportive and encouraging. Thank you to Everyday Lifters for what I know will be some amazing photos (coming soon), to DJ Arian for providing some awesome music and absolutely nailing the theme. Thank you to The Black Market Kitchen for a great lunch, to MuscleUp Bars and Alpha Project Apparel for supporting our event, to Uncle Willies BBQ for post festivities feast and to everyone else who helped make this one of the best events we run! I hope to see you all again next year.



  • 3-3-3-3-

7 Minute Ladders

  • +3 Kettlbell Swings (24/16 kg)
  • +5 Double Unders
    • Score = Total Reps
    • Rx1 = 16/12 kg
    • Rx3 = 32/24 kg
  • 3 Swings / 5 Double Unders = 8
  • 6 Swings / 10 Double Unders = 24
  • 9 Swings / 15 Double Unders = 48
  • 12 Swings / 20 Double Unders = 80
  • 15 Swings / 25 Double Unders = 120
  • 18 Swings / 30 Double Unders = 168
  • 21 Swings / 35 Double Unders = 224
  • 24 Swings / 40 Double Unders = 288
  • 27 Swings / 45 Double Unders = 360
  • 30 Swings / 50 Double Unders = 440
  • 33 Swings / 55 Double Unders = 528
  • 36 Swings / 60 Double Unders = 624
Kelly, team 'We Drink and Know Thing's' starting the Red Wedding.

Kelly, team 'We Drink and Know Thing's' starting the Red Wedding.

House Stark's men working through their clean complex.

House Stark's men working through their clean complex.

Garrett looking strong on his complex.

Garrett looking strong on his complex.

Jordan with a serious bar stare down during her approach.

Jordan with a serious bar stare down during her approach.

Justina pulling hard through her row.

Justina pulling hard through her row.

Kevan flying through his 10 lunges.

Kevan flying through his 10 lunges.

To all our Strongtown Athletes, Judges, and Volunteers - thank you! 

To all our Strongtown Athletes, Judges, and Volunteers - thank you!