Monday - 3/27/17

Don't forget that Monday (8:00pm) is the deadline for all 17.5 Submissions - don't be the person who does the workout and forgets to submit their score.


For Time:

  • 50 Overhead Lunges (75/55 lbs)
  • 50 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75/55 lbs)
  • 50 Box Jumps (24/20")
  • 50 Hang Power Cleans (75/55 lbs)
  • 50 Hand Release Push-ups
Liam - taking on the Open workout every Thursday night.

Liam - taking on the Open workout every Thursday night.

Cardella flying through her thrusters.

Cardella flying through her thrusters.

Rob fighting through his double unders.

Rob fighting through his double unders.

Ink assuming the post 17.5 recovery position.

Ink assuming the post 17.5 recovery position.

Pat looking strong through his 10 rounds.

Pat looking strong through his 10 rounds.

Courtney showing a great lockout on her thrusters.

Courtney showing a great lockout on her thrusters.

There aren't many people who can say they've broken a bar...Brian is one of them.

There aren't many people who can say they've broken a bar...Brian is one of them.



