Tuesday - 3/28/17

Another year in the books...the 2017 CrossFit Open is officially over! There is a part of me that misses when the Open was 6 workouts...then I try to walk and get over it pretty quickly. I'll be getting my 'Open Reflections' posted on tomorrow's blog. In the meantime I wanted to remind everyone that our Strongtown Open is still alive and well until Thursday evening  - 7:00pm.  Points are still available for anyone trying to complete the final Scavenger Hunt.


Front Squat

  • 2-2-2-2-2

Tabata - 20" Work / 10" Rest
10 Rounds each Movement

  • Goblet Squats (24/16 kg)
  • Wall Ball Sit-ups (20/14 lbs)
    • Alternate between movements
    • Score = Total Reps
Welcome Chris to Strongtown!

Welcome Chris to Strongtown!

Susie finishing up her final hang power cleans.

Susie finishing up her final hang power cleans.

Holly and the 4pm class starting their 50 overhead lunges.

Holly and the 4pm class starting their 50 overhead lunges.

