Thursday - 2/23/17: Teams Released

The next 5 weeks are officially Open Season! We we will be watching the announcement of the 1st workout live at the gym if anyone wants to join us. The workout is announced at 8:00pm (EST) and in keeping with tradition, if we have any brave souls that want to get the workout out of the way we get get Heat #1 going as soon as the announcement & demo is done.

 As of this blog post we have a total of 44 people registered for this year! Thank you to everyone who has signed up - we have 8 going into their very 1st Open with another 6 people who were rookies last year and are now moving onto the sophomore year. There are another 8 people who are on year 3 as well as 4 people on their 4th year. What I find most impressive is that we have 9 people moving onto Veteran Status at 5 years and another 9 people who this will be their 6th year! I would like to point out that the CrossFit Games website does not seem to acknowledge 2011 (the first year of the Open) in their tallies so many of the people in the 6 year group are actually going onto year 7...which is a very impressive feat in and of itself. 

There have been a lot of questions about the in-house teams and how they're being split up. I owe everyone an apology for the late announcement but they are finally set. There were randomly selected based on splitting up the guys & gals as well as years of experience in the Open. Without further adieu:

TEAM: Castro

  • Mikey
  • Carl
  • Doc
  • Brad
  • Cardella
  • Liam
  • Tammy
  • Stacy 
  • Chris
  • Deb
  • Kim


  • Rachie
  • Pat
  • Annette
  • Kevin D.
  • Holly
  • Timmy
  • Jen
  • Rob B.
  • Heidi
  • Alan
  • Brian M.

TEAM: BozMan

  • Dan
  • Taylor
  • Funk
  • Rachel McG
  • Rob G.
  • Courtney
  • Matty
  • Shady
  • Dave A.
  • Paula
  • Sophia

TEAM: Glassman

  • Lu
  • Ang
  • Ink
  • David Kirk
  • Kevan
  • Rob LaBonne
  • MaryBeth
  • Matt C.
  • Dani
  • Tanner
  • Abby

Team names have been randomly selected for the draft. All teams should come up with a more fitting Team name by the announcement of 17.2. This will be coordinated through your Team Captain.

If your name is bolded - it means you're really, really lucky and have been assigned the role of Team Captain. This can be changed - if there is someone on your Team who really wants to be Captain please let me know and we'll make the switch. As a Team Captain you are the point of Contact for your team, your primary responsibilities are making sure that everyone on your team does A) complete the workout and B) log their score through the Games site. For this first week you are also responsible for discussing and coming up with a new team name with your team.

The last item on the agenda for today is: it's not to late to sign-up! Registration is still live until Monday. This means that if you're still hanging out on the fence Friday and decide that you want in on the action, you can sign-up, get placed on a team and join the fun.

Register Here: 2017 CrossFit Open


Power Clean (Touch & Go)

  • 5-5-5-5-5

For Time

  • Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
  • Box Jumps (24/20")
  • Wall Ball Sit-ups (20/14 lbs)
Welcome back Paul!

Welcome back Paul!

GereLu and the 9:30 ladies (plus Justin) during their Thrusters.

GereLu and the 9:30 ladies (plus Justin) during their Thrusters.

MaryBeth showing a strong kip on her pull-ups

MaryBeth showing a strong kip on her pull-ups

