Thursday - 3/1/18

Moving into March we have a new addition to our Challenge Series! Throughout the month there will be two challenges on the board. Challenge 1 is a max effort set of unbroken push-ups. How many push-ups can you do before you break? You may 'rest' in a plank position however a hand-release at the bottom is not permitted. Challenge 2 is a max distance row in 2 minutes. How many meters can you row in 2 minutes? The rower should be set for a 2 minute time limit so that scoring is accurate.

The goal of these challenges is not to put up 1 score in each and be done for the month. Instead we would like to see people put up a baseline score at some point during the first week. From there commit to trying to improve your scores each week....even if it's only by 1%. Let's see how much we can improve our push-ups and rowing splits this month.

This Thursday night is also the release of 18.2! We'll be watching the announcement at the gym for anyone who wants to join us. Scores from week 1 should be tallied up shortly and I'm hoping to share them on tomorrow's blog along with our February's Finest list.


Back Squat

  • 15 Minutes to Establish a 5 Rep Max

10 Minute AMRAP

  • 20 Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14 lbs)
  • 10/7 Calorie Bike
  • 40 Double Unders
Sophia working through her 15 reps while Ian recovers.

Sophia working through her 15 reps while Ian recovers.

Welcome to Strongtown, Dan!

Welcome to Strongtown, Dan!

Abby fighting for the lockout on her Clean & Jerk.

Abby fighting for the lockout on her Clean & Jerk.

