Thursday - 3/9/17

One last reminder that any submissions for the Week 2 Bonus Points aka Handstand photo contest must be submitted by the release of 17.3 (8:00pm on Thursday 3/9/17). We've had some pretty amazing submissions so far and choosing a 'most creative' is not going to be easy! I've been updating the Team Score Card and awarding bonus points as the posts are being made, this is a real difference maker for the teams. 

For anyone that's a bit lost looking at the score card - there are tabs at the bottom of the file, each team has their own tab and there is one tab for the Overall Rankings. If you look at the Overall tab and scroll to the bottom you should be able to see the current tally as it sits right now. If you're looking for a more detailed breakdown you can you click on the individual team tab to see how points were awarded.


5 Rounds - Max Reps at Each Station in 1 Minute

  • Box Jumps (24/20")
  • Pistol Squats (Alternating Legs)
  • Push Press (75/55 lbs)
  • Rest
    • Score = Total Reps
Abby looking strong on her deadlifts!

Abby looking strong on her deadlifts!

The noon class assuming their recovery poses.

The noon class assuming their recovery poses.

The 6pm class starting their lateral bar burpees.

The 6pm class starting their lateral bar burpees.

