Wednesday - 1/25/17

Workout of the Day

Weighted Pull-ups

  • 3 x 3
  • Same Weight across all sets

2 Rounds - For Time

  • 21 Overhead Squats (75/55 lbs)
  • 21 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
  • 21 Power Snatch (75/55 lbs)
  • 21 Lateral Bar Burpees
Jordan and the 9:30 class during their minute of kb clean & jerks.

Jordan and the 9:30 class during their minute of kb clean & jerks.

Timmy and Brian looking strong on their bench press.

Timmy and Brian looking strong on their bench press.

The 5pm class holding their planks.

The 5pm class holding their planks.

Jess showing a great lockout overhead.

Jess showing a great lockout overhead.

