Wednesday 3/21/18

Welcome to we’re getting more snow. It’s looking like this one is going to start of light and pick up throughout the day. Our morning classes - 6:00am, 8:00am, and 9:30 are on, we’ll also run an open gym session after the 9:30. The noon class is on the fence and we’ll be making a call by 11:00 for the noon and evening classes.


Power Cindy
20 Minute AMRAP - Compare to 6/8/13

  • 1 Power Clean
  • 1 Round of Cindy
  • 2 Power Cleans
  • 1 Round of Cindy
  • 3 Power Cleans
  • 1 Round of Cindy
  • 4 Power Cleans
  • 1 Round of Cindy
  • Etc.....
    • 1 Round of Cindy = 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats
    • Score = Total Rounds & Reps Completed
Cort making sure to keep her knees up during the paraclete shoot-throughs.

Cort making sure to keep her knees up during the paraclete shoot-throughs.

Welcome to Strongtown Jen!

Welcome to Strongtown Jen!

Larry and part of the 4pm class attacking the 100 sit-ups at the beginning of today's workout.

Larry and part of the 4pm class attacking the 100 sit-ups at the beginning of today's workout.

