Wednesday - 4/24/19


Sanctionals - Dubai Online Qualifier

Part A
For time: (00:00 - 10:00)

  • 60 Double Unders

  • 10 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)

  • 60 Double Unders

  • 20 Thrusters

  • 60 Double Unders

  • 30 Thrusters

    • Remainder of time : Rest

Part B
5 Rounds for time: (10:00-20:00)

  • 30 Double Unders

  • 15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

2 Score = Time for Part A and time for Part B or Reps completed
Rx1 = 75/55 lbs and/or Pull-ups
Rx3 = 110/80 lb (orignal weight)

The 6:00am class not he first 400m run of “Running Christine”.

The 6:00am class not he first 400m run of “Running Christine”.

Jeff back in action after a nice little April vacation.

Jeff back in action after a nice little April vacation.

Mairead standing tall on her Deadlifts.

Mairead standing tall on her Deadlifts.

