Sarah Gallagher April 3, 2018 WOD, AMRAP Wednesday 4/4/18 Sarah Gallagher April 3, 2018 WOD, AMRAP WORKOUT OF THE DAYBack Squat 5-5-5-5-510 Minute AMRAP5 Handstand Push-ups10 Toes to Bar30 Double UndersRx1 = Deficit Push-ups (25s)Rx3 = Deficit Handstand Push-up (45+10s) LOG WORKOUT RESULTS The 8am ladies and Alan working through their 10/7 calories on the Xebex fitness bike. Danielle working on her box jumps while the men work through the power snatch/overhead squat combo. Part of the 6pm class during the pull-up portion of today's WOD. 4/3/18