Tuesday - 4/3/18

With the Open officially behind us we're looking forward to getting back to our regular routine of things. First up - our Monthly Challenge Series has returned! With Memorial Day Murph sitting on deck for the end of May we're going to be revisiting our 'Murph Prep Challenge' from last May. The goal is to complete the work of (at least) a half Murph each week....1 Mile Run, 50 Pull-ups, 100 Push-ups, and 150 Squats. Since winter refuses to leave the greater northeast we are accepting a 2,000m row as the equivalent of a 1 mile run.

In addition to our Monthly Challenge we have a few people who have committed to starting a 100 Day Burpee Challenge. This is challenge is no joke and is as mentally challenging as it is physically...if anyone is looking join in on the fun we're making it a bit more interesting by asking people to donate $5 to the accountability pool. The winner (or last man / woman standing) takes home the prize. 

We are also getting back to our Sunday Skill Sessions and Showdown Saturdays. This month's skill sessions will be focused on all things Handstand and will be offered this Sunday (4/8) at 9:00am. If you're planning on coming please make sure you register in advance. You can sign-up through the link on our Sunday Skills page.

Our Showdown Saturday is also back! This month's showdown will be a solo / individual competition and we'll be releasing the events for people soon. The date is set as Saturday 4/28 (8:00-10:00am).

Also - we are planning on doing a Movie Night at the gym next Friday (4/13) for the latest CrossFit Documentary: The Redeemed and Dominant. We will start the movie at 7:00pm and obviously everyone is more then welcome to join us.

Last item on the agenda for the day is our latest Strongtown's Finest list. Attendance has been tallied up for March and the final count is in. Congratulations to everyone who made this month's list! It's great to see some new names up there! 


Ink - 27
Cardella - 25
Tanner - 24
Big Mike - 22
Rachie - 22
Paula - 22
Shady - 21
Tammy - 21
Ang - 20
Garrett - 20
Heidi - 20
Jen - 20
Kevin - 19
Holly - 18
Ian B. - 18
Jordan - 18
Annette - 17
Brian M. - 17
Danielle - 17
Gail - 17
GereLu - 17
Hope - 17
Kelly - 17
Rachel McG - 17
Rob B. - 17
Caitlin - 16
Chris B. - 16
Dani - 16
Kyle - 16
Lu - 16




Every Minute on the Minute - 16 Minutes (4 Rounds)

  • 1st Minute - 10 Box Jumps (30/24 lbs)
  • 2nd Minute - 7 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs) + 7 Pull-ups
  • 3rd Minute - 5 Power Snatch + 5 Overhead Squats (95/65 lbs)
  • 4th Minute - 10/7 Calorie Bike
    • Score = Minutes Completed (16 Max)
Full house 6am on a snowy Monday morning (welcome to Spring).

Full house 6am on a snowy Monday morning (welcome to Spring).

Stacy working through her 5 x 3 of bench press.

Stacy working through her 5 x 3 of bench press.

Sophia showing a great lockout on her thrusters!

Sophia showing a great lockout on her thrusters!

