Friday - 8/19/16

Our 5th annual Battle for the Bell is officially set - save the date for Saturday, October 15th! The event page is up and the first four workouts have been released with the final to be announced as we get closer to the date. Click the link below for the rest of the event info.

Battle for the Bell V: A Game of Gyms


Bench Press

  • 2-2-2-2-2

3 Rounds: 45 Seconds Work / 15 Seconds Rest

  • Push-ups
  • Sit-ups
  • Waiter Lunges - Right Arm (24/16 kg)
  • Waiter Lunges - Left Arm (24/16 kg)
    • Score = Total Reps
    • Alternate between movements
    • Rx1 = 16/12 kg
    • Rx3 = 32/24 kg

Welcome Olga to Strongtown!

The ginga ninja aka Coach Mikey and Devon (Welcome) heading out for their run.

Tammy getting tall on her pull.

Matty getting set for his lift.

