Friday - 6/9/17

I received a lovely letter from our neighbors at South Britain Oil today...apparently someone parked in one of their spaces and was close enough to the building that they couldn't get in or out the front door. They were not very happy about it and rightfully so...they're going to be adding (real) 'No Parking' signs to their spaces and will be towing anyone who parks their during their Business hours.  They also had a couple of comments about running in the Parking Lot...I assured them that no one is trying to run into any cars.

So for the parking - if there are no spaces in the front of the building there should be plenty of available overflow in the back. For the running - please do not run into any cars (parked or moving) and do your best to leave clear driving lane for traffic.

Thank you.


Back Squat

  • 5-4-3-2-1-1-1

2 x 4:00 Minutes

  • 400m Run
  • 6 Box Jumps (30/24")
  • Max Kettlebell Snatch (24/16 kg) in remaining time
    • Score = Total Number of KB Snatch
Matty  coming in from his 200m run.

Matty  coming in from his 200m run.

The 4pm class starting their 20 minutes.

The 4pm class starting their 20 minutes.

The 5pm class working through their lateral bar burpees.

The 5pm class working through their lateral bar burpees.

