Thursday - 6/8/17

While the weather has been a bit of a crap shoot this week it's looking like Friday evening should be clear skies for the Flander's Field & Forest 5k. It's looking like there may be some early morning showers but they should be long gone by the 6:00pm start time. You can register up until the start of the race, if you're willing register online in advance you can save yourself $5. 

Also, if anyone is interested I have recently discovered how to setup the blog so that it can be sent out via email after it gets posted....take that technology. If you would to be included on the list please enter your email using the entry form below, you will then receive an email asking you to confirm you signed up. This is a new mailing list, if you are already on our general newsletter mailing you will not automatically be added and must sign-up below. You can also sign-up using the form on blog sidebar or through our Connect With Us page.


20 Minute AMRAP

  • 8 Deadlifts (185/125 lbs)
  • 10 Lateral Bar Burpees
  • 12 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
  • 200m Run
    • Rx1 = 155/105
    • Rx3 = 225/155
The 4pm class working through their push-ups.

The 4pm class working through their push-ups.

Welcome Karen to Strongtown!

Welcome Karen to Strongtown!

Alan looking strong on his pull-ups.

Alan looking strong on his pull-ups.

