Wednesday - 6/7/17

Over the past week we have added a couple of new sections to our website. Similar to a portfolio, the website is an on-going 'work in progress', and as such I'm always trying to find ways to improve it or add content that can help serve our community. With that in mind the two sections that have recently been added are the Community Business Directory and Travel Workouts

As a community we like to show support of our members however possible. This gym has given us the opportunity to make connections with some incredible people...many of which are involved in either a small business of their own or the service industry in general. While we try our best to make connections where we can it's difficult to keep track of everyone and what they do. To solve this problem we have added the Community Business Directory page to our website with the goal of helping to make those connections and to make sure everyone knows about the amazing resources that are available through our community. If you would like to have your info added please utilize the following entry form: Submit Business Directory Entry on the page.

Also as we get into the Summer months we realize that a lot of people are travelling, vacationing, and don't always have the time or ability to make it into a gym. It's because of this that we've added the Travel Workouts page to our newly titled Member Resources section. These are meant to be bodyweight workouts that can be done with little to no equipment. 


Split Press

  • 3-3-3-3-3

Tabata - 8 Rounds of 20 Seconds Work & 10 Seconds Rest at Each Station
Score = Lowest Number of Repetitions (3 Scores)

  • Push-ups
  • Pull-ups
  • Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
    • 1 Minute Rest between Movements
    • Rx1 = 24/16 kg
    • Rx3 = Handstand Push-ups
Rosemary and the 6am class starting their day with a whole bunch of front squats.

Rosemary and the 6am class starting their day with a whole bunch of front squats.

Annie getting deep in her squat.

Annie getting deep in her squat.

The 5pm class starting their 21-15-9.

The 5pm class starting their 21-15-9.



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