Sarah Gallagher June 3, 2020 WOD, Strongtown General, AMRAP Thursday - 6/4/20 Sarah Gallagher June 3, 2020 WOD, Strongtown General, AMRAP 5 Minute AMRAP x 4: 20 Burpees 20 toes to Kettlebell Max Russian Kettlebell Swings in the remaining time 2 Minute Rest after each roundScore = Total Reps of Russian KBS
Sarah Gallagher April 28, 2020 WOD, Strongtown General, FGB Style Wednesday - 4/29/20 Sarah Gallagher April 28, 2020 WOD, Strongtown General, FGB Style 5 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations for Max Reps Russian Kettlebell Swings Sit-up Lunges Toes to Kettlebell 2 Minute Rest Score = Total Reps