Thursday - 11/17/16


Back Squat

  • 5-5-5-5-5

Tabata - 8 Rounds of 20" Work / 10" Rest at Each Station

  • Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
  • Sit-ups
  • Double Unders
    • Score = Lowest rep number completed at each station (3 Scores)
    • After completing one station you get 10" rest and immediately begin the next 8 rounds
Lindsey showing good form on her power cleans.

Lindsey showing good form on her power cleans.

The 9:30 class working through their 20 rounds.

The 9:30 class working through their 20 rounds.

Welcome back Tammy from recently completing the 'Rock'n'Roll Marathon' in Vegas!

Welcome back Tammy from recently completing the 'Rock'n'Roll Marathon' in Vegas!

Rob with a strong pull on his power clean.

Rob with a strong pull on his power clean.

