Thursday - 12/29/16

As we close out 2016 we are going to be running a modified schedule for the Holiday weekend. We will be running a normal day on Friday, adding an extra class Saturday morning, closing for Sunday and running a half day on Monday (see below for the cliff notes version).

Also last year we ended the year with 3 classic CrossFit "Girl" workouts. This year we're going to be mixing it up a little and will be ending the year with 3 CrossFit "Open" Workouts. These will be treated as 3 separate workouts and they will be run with 10 minutes rest between workouts, details are below.



Skill Work (pick one)

  • Rope Climbs
  • Muscle-ups

3 Rounds - Not for Time

  • 2 Rope Climbs or Max Muscle-ups
  • 10 Back Squats (185/125 lbs)
    • Rx1 = 155/105 lbs
    • Rx3 = 205/140 lbs
It's great seeing David back in the gym!

It's great seeing David back in the gym!

The 9:30 class starting their 3 rounds.

The 9:30 class starting their 3 rounds.

Kim looking strong on her push-ups.

Kim looking strong on her push-ups.

