Tuesday 10/31/17

All the photos from this year's Battle for the Bell have been posted. 

Photos from Everyday-Lifters have been posted on her website, you can view all the albums in the Gallery. They are being hosted through SmugMug. DO NOT PURCHASE THE DIGITAL DOWNLOADS. To download a photo, look for the arrow button. Everday-Lifters cannot issue refunds for digital downloads from SmugMug. You do not need to give photo credit, but it's appreciated and always awesome if you do! If you're feeling generous you can tag @everyday_lifters and @cfstrongtown.

Photos from @oohoomoos365 have been uploaded to CrossFit Strongtown's Facebook page and they have also been arranged by Event. Feel free to share & tag anyone you know in the albums.

Also one of our event sponsor's this year was PivotGrips, they are a combination wrist-wrap / gymnastics grip and were developed by a good friend of ours and fellow CT based CrossFitter. Anyone who was part of Battle for the Bell can use the code "PIVOT" to receive 40% off your order...it's good for the version 1.0, 2.0, and Elite (coming soon). If you were part of a winning team I have a separate code for you that I will be following up with.


"Broomstick Mile"
35 Minute Cap

  • 25 Back Squats
  • 25 Front Squats
  • 25 Overhead Squats
  • 400m Row
  • 25 Press
  • 25 Push Press
  • 25 Push Jerk
  • 400m Row
  • 50 Hang Power Cleans
  • 400m Row
  • 50 Power Snatch
  • 400m Row
    • Rx = 75/55 lbs Halloween Special
    • Halloween Special (Hx) = 95/65 lbs
Sophia spotting Jen on the Bench Press.

Sophia spotting Jen on the Bench Press.

Alan and Rob during the 90ft farmer carry.

Alan and Rob during the 90ft farmer carry.

