No Kip November

The Strongtown's Finest list for October will be posted on tomorrow's blog. We would like to take today's post to welcome back 'No Kip November'! That's right - for the month of November there will be no kipping on pull-ups, dips, handstand push-ups, toes to bar, knees to elbow, or muscle-ups. This is an opportunity for all of us to get a little stronger at the fundamentals. Believe it or not the best way to get improve at kipping is by getting stronger at the strict movements. Yes they're not as fast, and I know no one can do the same amount of reps strict as they can with a kip. It's okay...for the next month we will all be riding the 'No Kip' bus together. Look at it It's a chance to work on our weaknesses. 

Also as we get into November our new Monthly Challenge has been posted. 'Can' and 'want' are often two very different things. For this month's challenge we are looking to see if anyone can complete 500 Thrusters (75/55 lbs) over the course of November. As opposed to other challenges where work done during classes did not count - any Thrusters done during the month of November are fair game. We will be scoring this similar to the rowing challenge where there will be a score / leader board in the gym for people to keep track of their overall tally.


4 Rounds - Not For Time

  • 20 Second L-Sit Hold (Parlettes or Rings)
  • 10 Barbell Roll-outs
  • 10 Med Ball Windshield Wipers
  • 5 Strict Toes to Bar

4 Rounds - 1 Minute at Each Station Alternating Movements (No Rest)

  • Sit-ups
  • Plank Holds (2 Seconds = 1 Rep, 30 Reps Max per Minute)
    • Score = Total Reps
Good to see Wolf back at Strongtown.

Good to see Wolf back at Strongtown.

Cardella and the Babingtons rowing their 400 meters.

Cardella and the Babingtons rowing their 400 meters.

Lu and the 4pm class at the start of the metcon.

Lu and the 4pm class at the start of the metcon.

