Tuesday - 5/9/17

Workout of the Day

Front Squat

For Time

  • 500 Meter Row
  • 40 Sit-Ups
  • 30 Deadlifts (165/110 lbs)
  • 20 Box Jumps (24"/20")
  • 10 Front Squats (165/110 lbs)
    • Rx1 = 135/95 lbs
    • Rx3 = 185/125 lbs
Obviously, Paul's least favorite thing to do is bench 

Obviously, Paul's least favorite thing to do is bench 

The 9am class with some solid plank holds

The 9am class with some solid plank holds

Taylor and the 4pm class floating through their double unders

Taylor and the 4pm class floating through their double unders

