Tuesday -6/13/17

I'm excited to say that Sloane Farm CSA is ready to deliver its first week of vegetables on June 26! Deliveries will continue every Mondays through September (except for Labor Day - September 4). If you signed up earlier this year you will receive a weekly bag with your name on it that will include at least one recipe, the fruits and/or vegetables of the week. The bags will be delivered by 6 am and all bags must be picked up on Monday or else they go home with a Coach.  

If you're on vacation any Monday through September, please let us know so we can contact Deb by Sunday morning of that week.

Also if you have any questions you can reach Deb at sloanefarm@gmail.com.


5 Rounds - Max Reps at Each Station in 1 Minute

  • Box Jumps (24/20")
  • Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
  • Row (Calories)
  • Rest 
    • Score = Total Reps
Candice doing a nice job of getting under the bar.

Candice doing a nice job of getting under the bar.

Welcome back Madden!

Welcome back Madden!

The 5pm class during their kettlebell push jerks.  

The 5pm class during their kettlebell push jerks.  

