Wednesday - 10/26/16

Don't forget that this Saturday is our Strongtown Halloween Party.  Everyone is invited and we are trying to do this as a pot-luck style gathering so please try to bring a dish or dessert if you're attending. The gym gets a special make over for the evening and we'll be starting at 6:00pm.


5 Minutes: Max Unbroken Double Unders
Lurong Performance WOD (compare to 5/17/2013)

  • Athlete must complete 3 burpees after each trip-up
  • Score = Total Double Unders

4 Rounds - For Time (20 Minute Cap)

  • 10 Sit-ups
  • 15 Burpees
  • 20 Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
  • 25 Air Squats
    • Rx1 = 10 Burpees
    • Rx3 = 5 Rounds
Aisling and the 6am class starting their AMRAP.

Aisling and the 6am class starting their AMRAP.

The 4pm ladies working on their synchronized lifting.

The 4pm ladies working on their synchronized lifting.

Coach Mikey showing some solid triple extension starting his combo.

Coach Mikey showing some solid triple extension starting his combo.

Rob getting deep in his cluster.

Rob getting deep in his cluster.

