Friday - 10/28/16

One last reminder that this Saturday is our Strongtown Halloween Party. Dress-up in a costume, 3 piece-suit, your normal gym clothes, or whatever else you feel comfortable in, either way we're happy to have you. The night will kickoff around 6pm. We are running this as a BYOB / Potluck gathering so if you bring a dish or dessert you'll be on my superstar list for at least the next month. 

Also, as we get into November we have a couple of announcements. First off our weekly 8:00am classes will be returning to their Monday, Wednesday, and Friday time slots instead of Monday through Friday. Sorry Tuesday & Thursday 8am'ers. 

Second item up is that November is the return of our bi-monthly poker night and next game will be Friday, November 4th (next Friday). 

The last item on the agenda for today is the 6th Annual Southbury 5k Turkey Trot. The race is a ton of fun and it goes to a good cause. If anyone wants to go full ham on Thanksgiving morning, each year we've had a small group that has managed to do the race and then make it back to the gym for our Strongtown Thanksgiving Day workout as well. 

Our November Events page has been updated with all the events / race info.



  • 4-4-4-4-4

Tabata - Alternating between Movements

  • Toes to Bar
  • Push-ups
  • Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull (24/16 kg)
    • 20 Seconds Work / 10 Seconds Rest at Each Station
    • Rotating through stations, each station gets completed 8 times
    • 24 Rounds Total
Megan looking strong through her set of 20 reps.

Megan looking strong through her set of 20 reps.

The 9:30 class starting their 2 rounds.

The 9:30 class starting their 2 rounds.

Jess showing great form on her squats.

Jess showing great form on her squats.

Allie and the 5pm starting their 2 rounds.

Allie and the 5pm starting their 2 rounds.

