Friday - 2/16/18

This Saturday is the 2nd installment of our 'Saturday Showdown' series. Since 'The Open' will be taking over the end of February and most of March we are moving February's Showdown to 17th (this Saturday)...the event will be from 8:00am to 10:00am.

In the theme of Valentine's Day this month's Showdown will be 'Couples & Partners'. If you want to participate and don't have a partner that it is totally fine...please let us know and we'll do what we can to pair people up.

In order to help the day run smoothly we are asking that people sign-up in advance by either using following link: Register for Showdown Saturday or letting us know you'll be attending.


Toes to Bar

  • Kipping Skill Work
    • or
  • 5 Sets of 10 Unbroken Toes to Bar


  • Box Jumps (24/20")
  • Overhead Squat (95/65 lbs)
  • Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
Cardella at the bottom of her burpee.

Cardella at the bottom of her burpee.

Good to see Eddie back in action!

Good to see Eddie back in action!

Rob, Dave, Hope & Keith at all different stages of the burpee.

Rob, Dave, Hope & Keith at all different stages of the burpee.

