Friday - 9/16/16


Back Squat

  • 4-4-4-4-4

With a Running Clock - Complete as Many Reps as Possible

  • 0-3:00 Minutes
    • 3 Rounds [54 Reps]
    • 3 Pull-ups + 6 Push-ups + 9 Air Squats
  • 3:00-6:00 Minutes
    • 3 Rounds [72 Reps] [126 Total]
    • 4 Pull-ups + 8 Push-ups + 9 Air Squats
  • 6:00-9:00 Minutes 
    • 3 Rounds [90 Reps] [216 Total]
    • 5 Pull-ups + 10 Push-ups + 15 Air Squats
  • 9:00-12:00 Minutes 
    • 3 Rounds [108 Reps] [324 Total]
    • 6 Pull-ups + 12 Push-ups + 18 Air Squats
  • 12:00-15:00 Minutes
    • 3 Rounds [126 Reps] [450 Total] 
    • 7 Pull-ups + 14 Push-ups + 21 Air Squats
  • Etc...
  • Score = Total Reps
  • Rx+ = Chest to Bar Pull-ups + Jumping Squats
The 6am class starting their 4 rounds.

The 6am class starting their 4 rounds.

Eddie, Barry, & Raff during the noon.

Eddie, Barry, & Raff during the noon.

Garrett & Mathew bro'ing out.

Garrett & Mathew bro'ing out.

The 6pm class working through their lateral bar burpees.

The 6pm class working through their lateral bar burpees.

