Monday - 12/12/16

Thank you to everyone who came out to our Holiday Party / Cookie swap and thank you to Paul and Nikki for being amazing hosts! All the dishes that were left at the party have been dropped of at the gym and you can pick them up throughout the week.


Front Squat

  • 5-5-5-5-5

10 Minute AMRAP

  • 10 Pull-ups
  • 15 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
  • 60' Bear Crawl
    • Rx1 = 5 Wall Ball
    • Rx3 = 20' Handstand Walk
Lex looking solid through his overhead squats.

Lex looking solid through his overhead squats.

GereLu and Dan getting a mother / son workout in.

GereLu and Dan getting a mother / son workout in.

Friday's 4:00 class during their overhead squat & hand release push-up couplet.

Friday's 4:00 class during their overhead squat & hand release push-up couplet.

Courtney doing a great job of getting her chin over the bar.

Courtney doing a great job of getting her chin over the bar.

Brad taking the 32kg kettlebell for a ride during Saturday's 21-15-9 medley.

Brad taking the 32kg kettlebell for a ride during Saturday's 21-15-9 medley.

Danielle looking strong on her double unders.

Danielle looking strong on her double unders.

Ang and Sophia making easy work of their partner deadlifts.

Ang and Sophia making easy work of their partner deadlifts.



