Tuesday - 8/2/16

I want to give a quick shout out and thank you to all everyone who came out this past weekend to support the 5th Annual Lift for a Purpose. We ended up raising over $1,000 for Steve's Club and it was a great event. Strongtown was proudly represented by Justina and Liam and they both did absolutely awesome and won their weight classes! At first Liam was planning on volunteering and thankfully Justina peer pressured him into signing up. I also wanted to thank Everyday-Lifters for volunteering their time to provide photography for the event and doing a phenomenal job. You can view the event photos through their website under the 'Clients' tab or through their Facebook page.


Test Day - Next Monday is the Final Day

Back Squat

  • 5 x 3 @ 75% of 1 Rep Max
  • Increase weight 5-10lbs from last week

10 Minute AMRAP

  • Buy-in = 50 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
    • 5 Pull-ups
    • 10 Push-ups
    • 15 Air Squats
  • Score = Total rounds of Cindy completed

Welcome War to Strongtown!

Toon & Missy working through their 21-15-9

Adam looking strong in the bottom.

Welcome Alex and (welcome back) Jane!

