TUESDAY - 12/20/16

As the Holiday weekend rapidly approaches we have a couple of announcements. First off we will be running a modified class schedule for the upcoming weekend and our schedule is below: 

  • Friday 12/23 - Regular Classes
  • Saturday 12/24 - 6:00am, 8:00am, & 9:30 Classes
  • Sunday 12/25 - Gym Closed
  • Monday 12/26 - 6:00am, 8:00am, 9:30am, & 12:00pm Classes......10:30 - 12:00pm Open Gym

We will make sure that the Schedule portion of the website is kept up to date throughout the Holidays. 

In the theme of keeping with tradition and also trying to mix things up a bit we are going to be doing a 2016 Twelve Days of CrossFit Strongtown this Saturday, the 24th. This is a workout that we've done every year and each year it changes a bit as well. The easiest way to explain this workout is to have people sing the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" then change "Christmas" to "CrossFit Strongtown" and "my true love" to "my Coach".  Each day of the workout is assigned a movement and the number of the day corresponds with the number of repetitions. From there everyone works their way through the workout until all 12 days have been completed.   

Instead of revealing the workout in a single shot we'll be treating it similar to a CrossFit Advent Calendar and randomly revealing 3 days with each blog post this week. Today's blog post contains the 1st reveal below.


Back Squat

  • 4 x 6 
  • Same Weight

For Time

  • Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
  • Pull-ups
    • Rx1 = 75/55 lbs
    • Rx3 = Chest to Bar

Twelve Days of Crossfit Strongtown

  • Day 1 - Clean & Jerk (full squat)
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4 - Lateral Bar Burpees
  • Day 5
  • Day 6 - Box Jumps (24/20")
  • Day 7
  • Day 8
  • Day 9
  • Day 10
  • Day 11
  • Day 12
Brian looking strong on his bench press.

Brian looking strong on his bench press.

The 9:30 class working through their dips & sit-ups.

The 9:30 class working through their dips & sit-ups.

Paula spotting Bonnie through her bench press.

Paula spotting Bonnie through her bench press.

