Tuesday - 9/5/17

August's numbers have been tallied up and we have a new 'Strongtown's Finest List'. In order to make the list you must have attended at least 16 Classes or Open Gym sessions throughout the previous month. Congratulations to everyone who made the list!


Tanner Janesky - 35
Kevin Dubuque - 27
Sydney Malaspina - 24
Annie Rosa - 23
Chris DePaola - 20
Garrett Taggart - 20
Holly Shaker - 20
Jordan McAulay - 19
Brian Glasser - 18
Mike Gallagher - 18
Rachael Bronson - 18
Paula Baron - 17
Ryan Buell - 17
Zac Czeczot - 17
Chris Impastato - 16
Jennifer Artman - 16
Karen Flanagan - 16
Kelly Nichols - 16
MaryBeth Guerrera - 16
Paul Bernardi - 16
Rob Guerrera - 16
Tom Villano - 16


Skill Work (choose one)
5 Sets

  • Option A) 3 Strict Pull-ups
  • Option B) 3 Toes to Bar + 2 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
  • Option C) 3 Toes to Bar + 2 Chest to Bar Pull-ups + 1 Bar Muscle-up

For Time

  • 1,000m Bike
  • 40 Jumping Squats
  • 30 Toes to Bar
  • 20 Deficit Push-ups (45/25 lbs)
  • 10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
    • Rx1 = Pull-ups
    • Rx3 = Bar Muscle-ups
Carl and the 8:00am class during their 7 Minutes of Deadlifts & Box Jumps.

Carl and the 8:00am class during their 7 Minutes of Deadlifts & Box Jumps.

5 Minutes worth of Turkish Get-ups...not fun.

5 Minutes worth of Turkish Get-ups...not fun.

Kelly and Sophia flying through their rounds.

Kelly and Sophia flying through their rounds.

Garrett staring down Tanner...for the entire 5 minutes.

Garrett staring down Tanner...for the entire 5 minutes.

