Wednesday - 2/20/19

Our 2019 Strongtown Open aka Battle of the Sexes, page is finally online - please check here for all updates:


Warm-up / MIni-test: Flexibility
• Relaxed Squat Hold
• Score = Total Time (5:00 Max)
• PVC Overhead Wall Squats
• 5 Tempo Squats
• 5” Descent, 3” Hold, 1” Ascent, 1” Hold at Top
• Score = Distance from Wall (Inches)

Front Squat
• 3-3-3-3-3
• Increase Weight between Each Set

3 Rounds - For Time (12 Minute Cap)
• 20 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
• 10 Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerk (50/35 lbs) (5 Each Arm)
• 20 Dumbbell Goblet Lunge (50/35 lbs)
Rx1 = 40/25 lbs
Rx3 = 70/50 lbs

Coach Toon and Suzy Q working through Annie.

Coach Toon and Suzy Q working through Annie.

Lou going reverse grip for his strict knees to elbows.

Lou going reverse grip for his strict knees to elbows.

Couples that Kettlebell swing together, stay together.

Couples that Kettlebell swing together, stay together.

