Squat Hold

Week of 9/26/22 - 9/30/22

Week of 9/26/22 - 9/30/22

Monday - 9/26/22 to Friday - 9/30/22

Monday: 4 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations Max Reps
Tuesday: 10 Minute AMRAP
Wednesday: 3 Rounds - For Time
Thursday: For Time: 25-20-15-10-5
Friday: 5 Rounds - Not For Time

Wednesday - 2/20/19

Wednesday - 2/20/19

Warm-up / Mini-test: Flexibility
Relaxed Squat Hold Test & PVC Overhead Wall Squat Test

Front Squat:

3 Rounds - For Time
20 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks (50/35 lbs)
20 Dumbbell Goblet Lunges (50/35 lbs)

Tuesday - 9/25/18

Tuesday - 9/25/18

3 Rounds - Max Reps at Each Station in 1 Minute:
Wall-Ball Sit-ups (20/14 lbs)
Russian Twist (20/14 lbs)
Plank Hold (2 Seconds = 1 Rep, 30 Rep Max per Minute)
20 second rest after each movement

10 Minute AMRAP:
20 Second Handstand Hold
20 Second Squat Hold
20 Second Chin over Bar Hold
20 Second Hollow Rock Hold