Wednesday - 9/7/16

For anyone who's interested we will be participating in the 2016 Luring Living Championship Challenge. This is a nutrition / lifestyle challenge that is scored based on your workout performances as well as your daily diet. The challenge has multiple levels setup to allow for some flexibility between people who want to go super strict and those trying to do a bit of post-summer cleanup work.

The official challenge starts September 12th, next Monday and in order to participate you must sign-up through the above link and choose CrossFit Strongtown as your home affiliate.


Back Squat

  • 5-5-5-5-5

12 Minute AMRAP

  • Buy-in: 400m Run
    • 10 Kettlebell Snatch (5 Each Arm) (24/16 kg)
    • 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20")
    • 10 Push-ups
      • Rx1 = 16/12 kg
      • Rx3 = 32/24 kg
Lucie showing good form on her lunges.

Lucie showing good form on her lunges.

The 9:30 class working through their burpees.

The 9:30 class working through their burpees.

Doc showing some speed on his runs!

Doc showing some speed on his runs!

The 6pm class starting their 21-15-9

The 6pm class starting their 21-15-9

