Tuesday - 11/1/16

Welcome to return of 'No Kip November'...that's right, it's back. For the month of November kipping is officially off the menu and we are focusing on strict movements and getting stronger. Today's workouts are our Baseline workouts for the month and we'll be testing them again before we get into December.


No Kip November Baseline #1)
Front Squat

  • 1-1-1-1-1

No Kip November Baseline #2)
10 Minute AMRAP (Pick One)

  • Half Strict Cindy
    • 5 Strict Pull-ups
    • 10 Push-ups
    • 15 Squats
  • Half Strict Mary
    • 5 Strict Handstand Push-ups
    • 10 Pistol Squats
    • 15 Strict Pull-ups
Shady benching with some serious things happening in the background.

Shady benching with some serious things happening in the background.

Lilly in a basket.

Lilly in a basket.

Pauly and the 9:30 working through their 15-12-9.

Pauly and the 9:30 working through their 15-12-9.

Timmy looking strong on his power cleans.

Timmy looking strong on his power cleans.

