Wednesday - 1/18/17

As we get into 2017 we're going to start the New Year with a new blog tradition. Each month we're going to be giving a special shout out to those dedicated individuals who are literally in the gym every other day...if not more.  We will call this list 'Strongtown's Finest', and being included in is a true testament to the commitment of these individuals. In order to be included in the list you must attend at least 16 classes within the given calendar month. I know the December is prime time Holiday season which makes it a tough month for people. Even still we had a lot of people who were very close to making the list! I would love to double it in 2017. 

Strongtown's Finest - December 2016
(Member - Class Total)

Rachel Cardella - 24
Chris Bollin - 23
Tim Terenzi - 23
Kelly Nichols - 21
Kevin Dubuque - 20
Ian Kosky - 18
Rachie Bronson - 18
Shady Macaron - 18
Ang Calo - 17
Sydney Malaspina* - 17
Caitlin Guelakis - 16
Holly Shaker - 16
Jason White - 16
Mikey Gallagher - 16
Rosemary Buntin - 16

* = College Student only here for part of the month

workout of the day

Pause Front Squat

  • 3-3-3-3-3
  • 3 Second Pause at the Bottom of Each Rep

9 Minutes
As Many Rounds as Possible

  • 3 Deadlifts + 3 Hang Squat Cleans + 3 Front Squats (135/95 lbs)
  • 9 Bar Facing Burpees
    • Rx1 = 115/75 lbs
    • Rx3 = 155/105
Welcome Chaim to Strongtown!

Welcome Chaim to Strongtown!

The 9:30 class starting their 3 rounds.

The 9:30 class starting their 3 rounds.

The 5pm class during their 15  calorie row.

The 5pm class during their 15  calorie row.

