Wednesday - 6/28/17

As a follow up to yesterday's post regarding the upcoming Holiday we also have a couple other summer items on the list. Starting next week we will be adding an 8:00am class to Tuesdays and Thursdays so that it will offered every weekday instead of just Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The 8:00am has also become known as "Paul's Favorite Class" and typically comes with complimentary Bernardi banter free of charge.

We are also excited to announce the return of our Summer Swim WOD! Edgewood has been gracious enough to open up their pool to us which gives us the opportunity to incorporate a bit of swimming into the workouts. Anyone looking to attend is more then welcome, we've added the dates to the gym whiteboard and Events section of our website.


Time Trial

12 Minute AMRAP

  • 6 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
  • 6 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts (50/35 lbs)
  • 12 Sit-ups
  • 24 Double Unders
    • Rx1 = Pull-ups
    • Rx3 = 3 Bar Muscle-ups
The noon class working through their 30 wall ball.

The noon class working through their 30 wall ball.

The 5pm class 

The 5pm class 

Chaim starting his press & push press complex.

Chaim starting his press & push press complex.

