Week of 3/13/23 - 3/17/23

Week of 3/13/23 - 3/17/23

Monday - 3/17/23
Overhead Squat:

  • 3-3-3-3-3 (Increase weight) Score = Weight

For Time:

  • 20 Med Ball Step Overs (24/20" )(20/14 lbs)    

  • 30' Shuttle Run x 11    

  • 20 Med Ball Step Overs (24/20") (20/14 lbs)    

  • 30' Shuttle Run x 11    

  • 20 Med Ball Step Overs (24/20") (20/14 lbs)

    • Score = Total Time    

    • Rx1= 20/16" Box    

    • Rx3= 25/20 lb WB

Tuesday - 3/14/23
4 Minute Stations for Max Reps | 4 Minutes Rest between Stations:

  •  D-Ball Over Shoulder    

  • Ski (Meters)    

  • 30' Sled Push (225/155)    

  • L-Sit Hold (scored by time held)

    • Score = Total Reps / Distance  / Time  (4 Scores)

Wednesday - 3/15/23
20 Minute AMRAP:

  • 3 Bar Muscle-ups    

  • 12 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75 lbs)    

  • 3 Bar Muscle-ups    

  • 1000m Bike

    • Score = Total Rounds + Reps    

    • Rx1= C2B Pull-ups    

    • Rx3= 135/95 lbs

Thursday - 3/16/23
Time Trial:

  • 5K Row

    • Score = Total Time

Friday - 3/17/23
Bench Press

  • 2-2-2-2-2 (Increase Weight)

    • Score = Weight

3 Rounds - For Time:

  • 15 Power Cleans (95/65 lbs)    

  • 15 Burpees

    • Score = Total Time    

    • Rx1= 75/55 lbs    

    • Rx3= 115/75 lbs