Saturday - 12/31/16

One last reminder that we are on a modified schedule for the weekend. Instead of the usual 9:00 & 10:00 Saturday Classes we're rounding out 2016 with 3 classes...a 7:30am, 9:00am, and 10:30am. I accidentally posted 10:30pm the other day on the blog...please do not show up at the gym at 10:30pm looking for a workout. We are closed this Sunday and running a half day on Monday (no 12:00pm, 4:00pm, 5:00pm or 6:00pm classes).


Open WOD #11.3

  • 5 Minute AMRAP
    • Squat Clean (165/110 lbs)
    • Jerk (165/110 lbs)
      • 1 Round = 1 Clean + 1 Jerk

Rest 10 Minutes
Open WOD #12.1

  • 7 Minute AMRAP
    • Burpee to a target 6" above max reach

Rest 10 Minutes
Open WOD #12.5 / 11.6

  • 7 Minute AMRAP / Ascending Ladder
    • +3 Thrusters (100/65 lb)
    • +3 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
      • 3/3 ... 6/6 ... 9/9 ... 12/12 ... 15/15 Etc...
Bair standing tall on his box jumps.

Bair standing tall on his box jumps.

Rob & Meg working through their swings during the noon.

Rob & Meg working through their swings during the noon.

Sophia and the 5:30 class starting their 7 minutes distance trial.

Sophia and the 5:30 class starting their 7 minutes distance trial.

