Week of 3/4/24 - 3/8/24
Monday - 3/4/24
Time Trials:
2 x 1000m Row
4 Minute Rest
Score = Time (4 scores)
3 Rounds - For Time:
20 Med Ball Bear Hug Box Step Overs (24/20 in) (20/14 lbs)
15 Toes to Bar
Score = Total Time
Rx1= 10 Toes to Bar
Rx3= 25/20 lbs WB
Tuesday - 3/5/24
Squat Clean
2-2-2-2-2 | Increase
Score = Weight
3 Rounds - 1 Minute Max Reps:
Hand Release Push-up
Squat Clean (115/75 lbs)
30” Rest after each movement
Score = Total Reps
Rx1= 95/65 lbs
Rx3= 135/95 lbs
Wednesday - 3/6/24
5 Rounds - For Time:
1000m Bike
10 Burpee shuttle run (30 FT)
20 Kettlebell Snatch (24/16 kg) (10 each arm)
Score = Total Time
Rx1= 16/12 kg
Rx3= 32/24 kg
Thursday - 3/7/24
With a Running Clock
[On the 0:00]
5 Rounds:
30 Double Unders
10 Strict Press
[On the 10:00]
5 Rounds:
1 Minute Back Rack Reverse Lunges
1 Minute Rest
[On the 20:00]
5 Rounds:
30 Double Unders
10 Push Press
Athlete choice on weight, must be able to complete each barbell movement with same weight
Score = 3 Scores (time/reps/time)
Friday - 3/8/24
Back Squat
3-3-3-3-3 | Increase
Score = Weight
12 Minute AMRAP:
12 wall ball (20/14 lbs)
12 Hang Clean & Jerk (50/35 lbs) (6 reps each arm)
Score = Total Rounds + Reps
Rx1= 40/25 lbs
Rx3= 60/40 lbs