Week of 10/30/23 - 11/3/23

Week of 10/30/23 - 11/3/23

Monday - 10/30/23
15 Minute AMRAP:

  • 10 Box Jumps(30/24)    

  • 20 Sit-ups    

  • 10/7 Ring Dips

    • Score = Total Rounds + Reps

4 Sets - For Max Reps:

  • Max DB Bench Press (50/35 lbs)

    • Score = Total Reps (4 Scores)  

    • Rx1= 40/25 lbs  

    • Rx3= 60/40 lbs  

    • Rx$= 80/55 lbs

Tuesday - 10/31/23
One and ½ Back Squat

  • 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

    • Score = Weight

EMOM - 10 Minutes:

  • 5 Strict Pull-ups

    • Score = Rounds Completed

Wednesday - 11/1/23
5 Rounds - For Time:

  • 1,000m Bike    

  • 50 DU    

  • 15 Wall-Ball (20/14 lbs)

    • Score = Total Time

    • Rx1= 25 Double Unders

    • Rx3= 25/18 lbs Wall-Ball

Thursday - 11/2/23
Power Clean

  • 2-2-2-2-2

    • Score = Weight

4 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations Max Reps:

  • Hang Power Clean (95/65 lbs)    

  • Row (Cals)

    • 30” Rest Between Movements

    • Score = Total Reps

    • Rx1= 75/55 lbs

    • Rx3= 115/75 lbs

Friday - 11/3/23
5 Rounds: For Quality

  • 30” Battle Rope    

  • 15/12 Cal Ski    

  • 60 FT Sled Push (225/155 lbs)    

  • 20” L-Sit Hold

    • Score = Total Time