4/4/22 - 4/8/22

Week of 4/4/22 - 4/8/22

Monday - 4/4/22
5 Rounds - For Time:

  • 30' Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Lunge (50/35 lbs)

  • 30' Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Lunge (Opp. Arm)

  • 15/12 Calorie Bike

  • 10 Ring Dips

    • Score = Total Time

    • Rx1 = 5 Ring Dips

    • Rx3 = 70/50 lbs

Tuesday - 4/5/22
Bench Press

  • 5-5-5-5-5 (Increase weight)

“Tabata Core”

  • Low Side Plank (Every 2” = 1 rep)

  • Low Side Plank (Every 2” = 1 Rep)

  • Sit-up

    • Alternate between station

    • 8 Rounds of each movement

    • Score = Total Reps

Wednesday - 4/6/22
Bear Complex

  • 1-1-1-1

  • Increasing Weight

As many reps as possible in 22 mins of:

  • 4 Min Double Unders

  • 2 Min Rest

  • 4 Min Bear Complex (115/75 lbs)

  • 2 Min Rest

  • 4 Min Row (Cals)

  • 2 Min Rest

  • 4 Min Bear Complex (115/75 lbs)

    • Score = Total Reps (4 Scores)

    • Rx1= 95/65 lbs

    • Rx3= 135/95 lbs

Thursday - 4/7/22
20 Minute AMRAP:

  • 50 Kettlebell Swings (eye level) (24/16 kg)

  • 40 Hand Release Push-ups

  • 30 Wall-Ball (20/14 lbs)

  • 20 Strict Pull-ups

    • Score = Total Rounds + Reps

Friday - 4/8/22
6 Rounds - For Quality (Not For Time)

  • 20” L-Sit

  • 250m Ski

  • 60FT Sled Push (225/155 lbs)

  • 10 Slam Ball

    • Complete in any order

    • Score = Total Time

Happy Birthday Stacy!

Happy Birthday Missy!

Happy Birthday Adrianna!