Monday - 12/24/18

Holiday Schedule

Monday - 8:00am & 9:30am Classes
Tuesday - Gym Closed
Wednesday - Half Day…7:00am to 12:00pm Schedule


Strongtown’s 12 Days

  • Day 1 - Squat Clean

  • Day 2 - Front Squats

  • Day 3 - Power Cleans

  • Day 4 - Lateral Bar Burpees

  • Day 5 - Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)

  • Day 6 - Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)

  • Day 7 - Box Jumps (24/20”)

  • Day 8 - Push-ups

  • Day 9 - Pull-ups

  • Day 10 - Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lbs)

  • Day 11 - Leaping Lunges

  • Day 12 - Calorie Bike … or … Ounces of Beer

    • Dancer - 115/75 lbs

    • Prancer - 135/96 lbs

    • Vixen - 155/105 lbs

    • Rudolph - 185/125 lbs

  • Score = Total Time

    Workout rep scheme is done similar to “12 Days of Christmas” song: 1…2,1…3,2,1…4,3,2,1….5,4,3,2,1…etc, until Day 12

Dylan, Sophia, Heidi, and Kat working hard for those calories.

Dylan, Sophia, Heidi, and Kat working hard for those calories.

Gere-Lu and the Friday 9:30am class.

Gere-Lu and the Friday 9:30am class.

Packed house for the Saturday 9am class.

Packed house for the Saturday 9am class.

Barry loves toes to bar.

Barry loves toes to bar.

12/21/18 (Paula & Maeve)

12/21/18 (Paula & Maeve)



