7/11/22 - 7/15/22

Week of 7/11/22 - 7/15/22

Monday - 7/11/22
Bench Press

  • 2-2-2-2-2 | Increasing Weight

10 Minute AMRAP:

  • 15 Kettlebell Swings (eye level) (24/16 kg)

  • 12 Burpees

  • 9 Med Ball Box Step-up Overs (20/14 lbs) (24/20 in)

    • Score = Total Round + Reps

    • Rx1= 16/12 kg

    • Rx3= 32/24 kg

Tuesday - 7/12/22
Time Trials

  • 1000m x 4 (Rest as needed)

For Time:

  • 30 SDHP (75/55 lbs)

  • 30” L-Sit 15 SDHP (75/55 lbs)

  • 30” L-Sit

    • Score = Total Time

    • Rx1= 15” L-Sit

    • Rx3= 95/65 lbs

Wednesday - 7/13/22
5 Rounds - For Time:

  • 200m Run

  • 15 Overhead Lunges (75/55 lbs)

  • 20 Sit-ups

  • 10 Pull-ups

    • Score = Total Time

    • Rx1= 45/33 lbs

    • Rx3= 95/65 lbs

Thursday - 7/14/22
Front Squat

  • 3-3-3-3-3 (Increase weight)

12 Minute AMRAP:

  • 12 Wall-Ball (20/14 lbs)

  • 120ft Farmer Carry

    • Farmer Carry 60ft = 1 rep

    • 24kg/50 lbs for men

    • 16kg/35 lbs for ladies

    • Score = Total Reps

Friday - 7/15/22
21-15-9: For Time

  • Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lbs)

  • Box Jumps (24/20 in)

  • Hand Release Push-up

    • Score = Total Time

    • Rx1= 115/75 lbs

    • Rx3= 155/105

Happy Birthday Tommy!

Happy Birthday Rob!