7/18/22 - 7/22/22

Week of 7/18/22 - 7/22/22

Monday - 7/18/22
Back Squat Clusters
4 Sets

  • 3 x 3 | 30” Rest

    • Sets 1-2 = Weight 1

    • Sets 3-4 = Weight 2

10 Minute AMRAP:

  • 50 Air Squats

  • 15 Burpees

    • Rx$ = Weight Vest

Tuesday - 7/19/22
5 x 5:00 Minutes:

  • 400m Run

  • 15 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)

  • Max Push-ups

    • Score = Total Push-ups

    • Rx1 = 16/12 kg

    • Rx3 = 32/24 kg

Wednesday - 7/20/22
Every 1:30 x 8 Rounds:

  • 1 Power Clean

  • 1 Hang Power Clean

  • 1 Squat Clean

  • 1 Hang Squat Clean

    • Increase / Adjust weight every 2 Rounds

    • Score = Weight Used (4 Scores)

Thursday - 7/21/22
Front Rack Lunge:

  • Max Weight - 20’ Distance

Tabata - Total Reps, Not Alternating
8 Rounds of 20” Work + 10” Rest at Each Station

  • Row (Calories)

  • Walking Lunges (Total Reps)

  • Sit-ups

    • 1 Minute Rest between Movements

    • Score = Total Reps (3 Scores)

Friday - 7/22/22
5 Rounds - Not for Time:

  • 5 Bench Press

  • 10/7 Cal Ski

  • 60’ Sled Drag (225/155 lbs)

  • 60’ Sled Push (225/155 lbs)

  • 10/7 Cal Bike

    • Score = Bench Press Weight

Happy Birthday Garrett!


Syd circa 2017!