Week of 1/30/23 - 2/3/23
Monday - 1/30/23
For Time:
30 Power Snatch (75/55 lbs)
30 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20")
20 Power Snatch (75/55 lbs)
20 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20")
10 Power Snatch (75/55 lbs)
10 Burpee Box Jump (24/20")
Score = Total Time
Rx1= 45/33 lbs
Rx3= 95/65 lbs
Tuesday - 1/31/23
Time Trials
1000m Bike x 4
Score = Total Time (4 Scores)
“Tabata Core”
Side Low Plank (Every 5” = 1 rep)
Side Low Plank (Every 5” = 1 Rep)
Alternate between station
8 Rounds of each movement
Score = Total Reps
Wednesday - 2/1/23
EMOM - 10 Minutes
3 Hang Power Cleans
Score = Weight
3 Rounds - For Time:
2 Rounds of Cindy
350m Row
12 Minute Cap
Score = Total Time
Thursday - 2/2/23
4 Rounds - 1 Minute Max Rep:
Double DB Front Rack Walking Lunge (50/35 lbs)
Ski (Cals)
30 FT Shuttle Run
Ring Support Hold (Every 10” = 1 rep)
30” Rest after each station
Score = Total Reps
Rx1= 40/25 lbs
Rx3= 60/40 lbs
Friday - 2/3/23
Front Squat
5x3 (Same Weight)
Score = Weight
9 Minute AMRAP:
9 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
27 Double Unders
Score = Total Rounds + Reps
Rx1= 75/55 lbs
Rx3= 115/75 lbs