Week of 4/3/23 - 4/7/23
Monday - 4/3/23
Back Squat Clusters
4 Sets
3 x 3 | 30” Rest
Sets 1-2 = Weight 1
Sets 3-4 = Weight 2
5 Rounds - For Time:
200m Row
8 Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
12 V-Ups
Score = Total Time
Rx1 = Step-ups
Rx3 = 30/24" Box
Tuesday - 4/4/23
22 Minute AMRAP:
4 Pull-ups
4 Toes to Bar
8 Push-ups
8 H.R. Push-ups
22 Lunges
Wednesday - 4/5/23
E3MOM x 8
500m Bike
12 Eye Level Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
6 Deadlifts (AHAP)
Score = Weight (2 Scores)
Score 1 = Rds 1-4
Score 2 = Rds 5-8
Rx1 = 16/12 kg
Rx3 = 32/24kg
Thursday - 4/6/23
8 Rounds - For Time
15 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
10 Shuttle Burpees (20’)
30 Double Unders
Score = Total Time
Friday - 4/7/23
7 Rounds - Not for Time:
1 Jerk (increasing weight)
120’ Farmer’s Carry
200m Ski