Week of 3/6/23 - 3/10/23

Week of 3/6/23 - 3/10/23

Monday - 3/6/23
Deadlift Clusters
4 Sets

  • 3 x 3 | 30” Rest      

    • Sets 1-2 = Weight 1      

    • Sets 3-4 = Weight 2

9 Minute Ladder:

  • +3 Deadlifts (155/105 lbs)    

  • 15 Air Squats    

    • Score = Total Reps    

    • Rx1 = 135/95 lbs    

    • Rx3 = 185/125 lbs

Tuesday - 3/7/23
22 Minute AMRAP:

  • 21/15 Cal Bike    

  • 15 Push-ups    

  • 12 Box Jump Overs (24/20”)    

  • 9 Toes to Bar    

    • Score = Total Rounds + Reps

Wednesday - 3/8/23
Pausing Push Press:

  • 3-3-3-3-3 | Increasing    

    • 3” Pause at bottom of dip

6 Rounds - For Time:

  • 35 Double Unders    

  • 20 Sit-ups    

    • Score = Total Time    

    • Rx1 = 20 Double Unders    

    • Rx3 = Alt. Single Leg V-Ups

Thursday - 3/9/23
5 x 4:00 Minute AMRAP’s | 1 Minute Rest:

  • 400m Row

  • 10 Burpees Over Erg

  • Max Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)

    • Score = Total Reps of KBS (5 Scores)

    • Rx1 = 16/12 kg

    • Rx3 = 32/24 kg

Friday - 3/9/23
For Time - Any Order / Rep Scheme:

  • 50 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

  • 75 Cal Ski

  • 150 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)

    • Score = Total Time

    • Rx1 = Pull-ups

    • Rx3 = 25 lb WB - M
                   10’ Target - W