Sarah Gallagher June 29, 2020 WOD, For Time Tuesday - 6/30/20 Sarah Gallagher June 29, 2020 WOD, For Time 3 Position Squat Clean work5 Sets: (Increase weight) High Hang Low Hang Ground For Time:50-40-30-20-1012-10-8-6-4 Double Unders Squat Cleans
Sarah Gallagher June 25, 2020 WOD, For Time Friday - 6/26/20 Sarah Gallagher June 25, 2020 WOD, For Time Split-Jerks 5x2 (Same Weight) 21-15-9 For Time: Shoulder to Overhead (115/75) Box Jumps (24/20 in)
Sarah Gallagher June 25, 2020 WOD, For Time Thursday - 6/25/20 Sarah Gallagher June 25, 2020 WOD, For Time 5 Rounds - For Time: 20 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg) 15 Burpees 10 Toes to Bar Score = Total Rounds + Reps
Sarah Gallagher June 22, 2020 WOD, For Time, EMOM Tuesday - 6/23/20 Sarah Gallagher June 22, 2020 WOD, For Time, EMOM EMOM: 10 Minutes1 Power Snatch1 Hang Squat Snatch1 Overhead Squat*Must hold onto the bar for the whole complex.3 Rounds: 1 Minute Max RepsHang Squat Snatch (75/55lbs)Double UndersRest
Sarah Gallagher June 18, 2020 WOD, For Time Friday - 6/19/20 Sarah Gallagher June 18, 2020 WOD, For Time Push-Press3-3-3-3-3 (increase weight)3 Rounds: For Time60 Double Unders 30 Sit-ups15 Strict Press (75/55lbs)
Sarah Gallagher June 8, 2020 WOD, Strongtown General, For Time Tuesday - 6/9/20 Sarah Gallagher June 8, 2020 WOD, Strongtown General, For Time Pause Goblet Squats 5 x 7 42-30-18: For Time Goblet Squats Sit-ups Score = Total Time
Sarah Gallagher June 7, 2020 WOD, Strongtown General, For Time Monday - 6/8/20 Sarah Gallagher June 7, 2020 WOD, Strongtown General, For Time 7 Rounds - For Time: 200m Run 30 Double Unders 15 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch Score = Total Time Cap = 25 Minutes
Sarah Gallagher May 31, 2020 WOD, Strongtown General, For Time Monday - 6/1/20 Sarah Gallagher May 31, 2020 WOD, Strongtown General, For Time 18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2: For Time Dumbbell Overhead Squats ( Split up arms 50/50) Push-ups Score = Total Time
Sarah Gallagher May 28, 2020 WOD, Strongtown General, For Time Friday - 5/29/20 Sarah Gallagher May 28, 2020 WOD, Strongtown General, For Time 10 Rounds For Time:10 Alt. V-ups 10 Alt. single arm Devil Press (DB)Score = Total Time
Sarah Gallagher May 24, 2020 WOD, Strongtown General, For Time Monday - 5/26/20 Sarah Gallagher May 24, 2020 WOD, Strongtown General, For Time "Riley" For time: Run 1.5 miles 150 Burpees Run 1.5 miles If you've got a weight vest or body armor, wear it. Score = Total Time